After getting contact with a jazzfestival, we found out we had wrong email-address to us on our website! We hope we haven't missed to many of your lovely emails!
If you haven't had an answer from us; please mail us again! We long four the audience, the magazines and every jazz lover on earth. Our mail is updated, send us a message! Fartyg6@gmail.com PS. Our next record by the way, is going to be awesome! We are playing new songs this autumn and last year we joked about making easier music and that it doesn't have to be complicated. But you know what. Sometimes it just has. We create because its fun or expressing what we want. That's who we are. Next time you hear us live or on our record; its going to be hell of a fun. In Sweden we have a word for how the music is: Meckig. Kind of a version of tricky but has a little bit more a association to fixing things. You know, like working with "mechanics" or a "mechanic"? The Swedish word is "mekaniker" and a mekaniker does "meckiga" things. Likewise a mechanic would do mechanic thing. Likewise, Fartyg 6 is a craft. A meckig craft! If you can't wait until the next album. Order our last one at fartyg6@gmail.com! Yours truly / Fartyg 6