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" They almost open like a prayer or claim. It is the great jazz God that is invoked with groovy patterns and cautious accompaniment. It's beautiful and almost naively guilty when Fartyg 6 moves between shouting and singing. And here it is justified to talk about caring of the sound. The group is so tight, everyone is next to each other, paying attention to the slightest movement. (...) 

For each piece, they create their own category which holds quite a lot of varieties. Its artful and above all a triumph that Fartyg 6 as a group agrees all the time, even when they are not." /Thomas Millroth - Orkesterjournalen ("Allt Faller" 2018)

"(...)vocals with meaningful lyrics and challenging music in an artful and convincing way that you want to hear more of! "/Roger Berner, Orkesterjournalen 2016

"(...) theatrical, fun and experimental, and a lot of it swings in a very unique way.  "
/Jan Granlie, SaltPeanuts 2016

".. Fartyg 6 released a wide range of experimental lust and creativity where the boundaries between jazz, Swedish visa, art music and poetry were erased  and blended into something very original.

.."playful but also extremely well-organized, both very varied and even more challenging."

/Peter Bornemar, Dig Jazz 2018

"Exhiting and fun jazz!" /Lira 2018

"4 of 5" /UNT  2018

"It's artful" /OJ 2018

/Dig Jazz 2018

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